Original Xbox
Controller Repair

March 16, 2022

I decided to pull out one of the original Xbox systems that I had in storage to begin the process of refurbishing it.  I haven't yet worked on one of these, so everything is new.  I started by powering it up to test the controller that I had, and immediately I found that the left analog stick was drifting terribly.  So it was time to take it apart...

Microsoft original Xbox controller.

I noticed the first concern right away, as soon as I flipped the controller over.  Almost all of the screws were rusty.  Wherever this thing had been, it wasn't a good place.  After opening up the shell I could see that the analog sticks, and the rumble motors were also showing some rust.

Rusty screw hole on a Microsoft original Xbox controller.
Rusty rumble motor on a Microsoft original Xbox controller.
Rusty analog stick on a Microsoft original Xbox controller.

I desoldered the two analog switches, and once removed, you could see some corrosion on the board as well.  I cleaned the PCB as best and I could using some isopropyl alcohol.  It didn't look like the corrosion on the PCB was going to be an issue.

Rusty analog stick removed from a Microsoft original Xbox controller.
Main board from a Microsoft original Xbox controller showing where an analog stick has been removed.
Under side of the main board from a Microsoft original Xbox controller showing where an analog stick has been removed.

After everything was cleaned up, I soldered in two new replacement analog switches.

Microsoft original Xbox controller main board showing a replaced analog stick.

These new analog switches look a lot better.  No more rust!

Next I washed all of the shell and buttons in soap and water, replaced the thumbsticks and reassembled.  Everything tested out perfectly, and it looked nice and clean.  Next step will be the console itself!

Microsoft original Xbox controller refurbished and clean.